Harvest Bins
IPL Macro™ specializes in heavy-duty bulk containers and totes and they are designed to be durable, so that you can reuse them for many years. Their highly engineered bins protect your produce and reduce damage in the field and during transport. Constructed from 100% polypropylene the plastic bins and totes are environmentally responsible products and are easily recyclable.
Durable and fully vented, this compact-folding bin is the single solution for retail transport, storage, and display. provides numerous options for use in the retail, agricultural, industrial, or seafood industries. Ideal for a closed loop distribution system.
ShuttleBin 330
The ShuttleBin 330 is easy to set-up, use for displays, knock-down, and return. Designed with the unique ten-point zipper latch system to lock folding walls securely will increase productivity in any application. The optional drop-down doors allow for easy access on the retail floor, then the easy-to-fold side walls allow the ShuttleBin to collapse to a height of 12.1 inches to maximize storage.